<<Brief History of the C'tan and what they are>>

The C'tan were the creators of Necrons, Humans and Eldar, in 
reverse order. To the Humans they are known as Paladins, to the 
Eldar as Phoenix Lords. The C'tan range from the Eastern Part of the 
Galaxy, and also had their main base and world there. Hundred of thousands 
of years ago, the C'tan began exploring the Galaxy. 
Many planets were to be colonized. They then created 
the Eldar to do the hard work. Unluckily, the Eldar had an own sense of will 
and progressed fastly in technology. They were also a highly psychic race. 
They broke free from the boundaries of the C'tan, creating their Craftworlds. 

 Next, the Humans were created. The humans were more savage, and less 
psychic and longlived. And they reproduced faster as well. However, they too 
had feelings and broke free from the C'tan, fighting for their freedom, joined by 
rebel C'tan Lords, amongst them, the Emperor. The Humans would later be 
assaulted by the otherdimensional race known as Deamons, as would the Eldar. 
 The result of this attack would be horrible. Eldar were decimated in numbers 
and the C'tan that had joined them in rebel had also been decimated. But Eldar 
and Humans survived. The Eldar would leave, taking their Phoenix Lords with them. 
 Of the Human C'tan, only one lived; The Emperor, as he got known. 

 The main C'tan civilization fell away, back to the Eastern Region of the Galaxy. 
There, they began creating mechanoids, who were going to carry the name Necrons. 
The first couples of droids were mere translators and were kept in strict order by the
Laws of Mechanoids, which prevented them from revolting or harming the C'tan, in 
any way. Sooner than long, even warriors were created, to protect the C'tan leaders 
from hostile aliens. Put in control of the warriors was an entity to be aptly named 
the Giant Controller. It just made sure the warriors worked, but the one truly 
controlling the armies of the C'tan, was a C'tan named Tr'ulegadia'desorovv (don't ask on interpretation 
of that name, it just is!) This C'tan was highly interested in biomechanics, as was 
his aide-de-camps, who would later become a biomechanics physician. Both this C'tan and his 
aide augmented themselves with bionics to such an extent, that they became more machine 
than C'tan. They said they strove for immortality. The C'tan commanding the forces of robots, known 
as Necrons, Tr'ulegadia'desorovv, changed his name to General Metallix and took single command of 
the Necrontyr. He also began augmenting himself so that he was able to lead from the front, becoming 
bloodthirsty, but not without losing his mind. All the time, the C'tan society ignored what was 
happening with Metallix. 

 This, however, were going to prove the C'tan's fall. The result was that he corrupted the Giant 
Controller into sending a knew series of commands to the warrior hosts, which turned on their creators, 
and killed them all. The only C'tan to survive were those who'd rebelled with the 
Eldar and Humans. The Necrons then built a huge starship and set off into space, 
going towards the Galactic west and the old C'tan colonies, intent on killing all C'tan. 

 Metallix, gone completely insane, but without losing his strategic genius, decided that they 
should destroy all races they considered inferior to the Necrontyr race, and that included most 
biological races, which the Necrons called "flesh-beings". But they didn't just destroy them; Metallix old 
aide studied the captives of the races they caught with great interest, and as he, like all other 
mechanoid beings, had no emotions, one can only begin imagining the cruelties he performed. 
 The Necrons have been on the go for many tens of thousands of years now, destroying everything 
biological in their path. 

 Now, the shadow of Doom looms over the Second Imperium of Mankind, and the shadow has 
no feelings, only cold, callous, mechanoid eyes...