Seraphim Sarah

Seraphim Sarah may be taken in any Sister of battle army. She counts as one HQ choice, but may not lead the army.
She uses the listed equipment and may be given no additional equipment.

Unit name Points Cost WS BS S T W I A Ld Save
Seraphim Sarah        90 4 5 3 3 2 4 2/3 9     3+



Wargear: Master Crafted Power Sword, Bolt Pistol, Jump Pack, Frag n Krak grenades, Purity Seals. 

Special Rules: 

Bodyguard: If Seraphim Sarah is choosen, she may included as bodyguard leader of the Canoness. The Celestian squad may then be equipped with Jump Packs at a cost of 6 points per model. 

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