Ivanovitch Dimitry Volodnikov

Full Name: Ivanovitch dimitry Volodnikov 
Home-world: Central Sys.4  
Height: 2m 
Weight: 100 kilos
Age: 36 
Occupation: Zampolit/Political Commissar in the Red Army
Haircolour: Black
Eyecolour: Dark grey

Character: Volodnikov has often been thought of as the most violent political officer the Red army has ever had. He has several charges on abuse of soldiers on his conscience. But he makes no attempt to calm his coleric ways. He takes the charges with a shrug and continues as before. This has resulted in that he has been given a wanring: one more report, and he'll see his last day in the Army. Despite this, he is very caring, not to say protective, of his fiancée; Jessica Angela Tettler, the daughter of retired Zampolit Richard Tettler, much to the old man's chagrin. 

History: Taken up early into the political directorate of the reason that he was of the central systems and that his father had been an officer of the Army, Volodnikov soon found that he had but one way to make people notice him; by being violent. And he has indeed been noticed. He is barrack legend in less than ten years and all soldiers fear the infamous zampolit. The warning that hangs over him now has made him resign from the Army by own will and start as an investigator in the Central Sys.2's police force. The same police force that Richard Tettler now serves with... 

Personal Motto: Make sure the other twit dies for his belief.   

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